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Keeping Your Personal Protection for the Long Term

April 9, 2011

When you decide to buy an insurance product that is associated with the investment, you do for a long-term orientation, among others, to meet the educational needs of children, retirement funds, etc.. In terms of investment, according to the fluctuating nature, rise and fall of the value of investments, particularly in the type of investment fund shares, it is definitely happening in the short term. This is where you need to reaffirm your focus by considering that the insurance product that is associated with an investment is not for short-term goals, but for long-term orientation.

Therefore, the rise and fall of the value of this investment should not be addressed by policy redeem at the time of the decrease or increase the investment value of the instrument at high risk to lower risk (switching). Or suppose that these funds will be used in the near future, even for emergency needs. You do not need to do a redemption policy, but simply by doing a partial withdrawal of funds (withdrawal), and maintaining your policy to remain active. The reason is because if you make a redemption policy, to have / continue the policy again in the future, you are required to perform the process from the beginning as well as medical examination seta pay various fees prescribed. You also must suda age increases so that your premium will also become higher as well as your medical condition is it still like when you first become customers of insurance? This is of course you need to look for comfort you and your family financial planning.


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